Tax Fraud

Tax fraud is the federal crime of avoiding or limiting the payment of taxes through illegal means. Tax fraud is generally carried out through the filing of false tax returns or through tax evasion.

In determining whether there is a case for the crime of tax fraud, the Court looks at whether there are any affirmative indicators or affirmative acts of fraud. An affirmative indicator is an act that has been carried out for the purpose of deceiving or concealing. An example of an affirmative indicator is bank deposits from unidentifiable sources. An affirmative act is a act carried out with the purpose to deceive or conceal. An example of an affirmative act is omitting specific items on a tax reform.

The crime of tax fraud is governed under Title 26, Section 7201 of the U.S. Code. Title 26, Section 7201 provides that a person who willfully attempts to evade any tax imposed by the government shall be guilty of a felony. An individual convicted under this U.S. Code faces imprisonment of not more than five years and shall not be fined more than $250,000. In the case of tax fraud by a corporation, the convicted corporation shall not be fined no more than $500,000.

An effective defense can protect against a tax fraud charge.

When facing new criminal charges, hiring the right lawyer is one of the most important things you can do. A tax fraud conviction will affect the rest of your life; you cannot afford to trust your future to a cut-rate lawyer.

The experienced criminal lawyers at Law Office of Doreen Boxer, Esq. can find a way to maximize our client’s outcome – from negotiating a favorable settlement to winning at trial.

With decades of criminal defense experience the attorneys at Law Office of Doreen Boxer, Esq. know how to achieve success for our clients.

As experienced criminal defense attorneys we know how best to defend our clients against the government.

Call our office for a consultation (949) 261-2700, or email us